Just replace the worm with krill
Misaki Kono, who mainly uses lure fishing, went fishing this time.Why is the lure the main?
It is said that it is because live food such as Ishigokai and Aomushi never touch it.However, krill says, "I've done fukase before, so it's okay."Therefore, I decided to set krill on the jig head and have them aim at various things with "Micro Tenya" and experience the difference from fishing with a worm.
* We will carefully stab the krill.
The first target is scorpion fish. A reasonable size hit from the first throw.If you aim at the bottom, you can catch worms well, but Mr. Kono said that the attack was different.He seems to have gained weight on the rod at once.Also, since various fish are attacking while sinking, it was said that the jig head was 1g at first, but it was increased to 2.5g to dodge it.
"If you have enough food, you can aim for various fish that you have never caught with a lure."
Next time I thought it would be horse mackerel ... but the one that was a hit was Kibire.I saw a black fish shadow near the seawall, so when I dropped the microtenya in the same way as I dropped the black sea bream, it was said that it was hit again.
"I had a lot of trouble catching black sea bream and black sea bream with a lure, but krill is amazing. I don't think it's going to be so rugged."After all it was said that it was a fluttering Atari.
* 1 I found a fish shadow near the inflow.If you drop it in front of you ...
* 2 It's small, but it's a hit!Enjoy the taste of light game rods
* 3 Small size is released.Go to the next target at a good tempo!
* 4 Try dropping it at the shore.Normally, it sinks to the bottom aiming at scorpion fish, but if it is krill, it will be in the range to aim at the middle layer as well.
* 5 After all, it is Atari that is going to be hit.Feel the krill effect
And the next target is Gure. "It's a fish that doesn't have the image of fishing with a lure at all ..." I didn't think that Mr. Kono could catch it, but when I made it a 1g jig head and let it fall while swarming in the tide, the size up to 20cm was a hit. Will come.Gure is small but has a strong pull, so you can bend the rod to entertain.In addition, it seems that it is a small Atari, and it is fun to put Awase in it.
* 1 I found a group of blackfish in the stream.If you fall into the flock from offshore ...
* 2 Atari that shakes the tip of the ear slightly.Hook on the upper jaw with a quick awase!
What 6 fish species
So far 3 fish species.When I thought about two more fish species, Mr. Kono caught a wrasse in a small tie, and finally caught six species at once with a goby.
"Worms are basically fast millet, but krill is not only fast millet, but it can't be hooked unless you wait and wait, so I enjoyed the fish that I could catch. I didn't expect it to increase so much. 2g or more was just right for the bottom, and 1g was just right for the middle layer. I was surprised because the krill couldn't be removed from the hook. "
* 1 Mr. Kono says, "It's the effect of food that it bites even though only half of it remains on the hook."
* 2 Mr. Kono can't help but enjoy putting Awase in a small Atari.Bakkan is filled with different fish than usual
* 3 Some fish cannot be caught immediately with Awase.He said that he learned a lot because he couldn't hang it unless he sent it in a little while he was awake.Krill is also recommended for checking how to eat fish
This time I used Hirokyu "Jig Bait".It is a krill that has been hard-processed on the assumption that it will be set on a jig head and fully cast.In addition, you can get a good flight distance by making the line thinner and making the jig head heavier.
If you want to catch a little more fish or want to increase the number of fish you can catch, why don't you go out with krill with the worm at the next fishing?
Jig Bait
A new type of krill that is easy to set on the jig head with the concept of "invitation of lure x bait = explosive fishing"