Sliced ​​pacific krill Kizamikko

4514394 031596

Very convenient sliced ​​Akiami shrimp that is fast, easy, and ready to use
It speedily finishes your ground bait making.
It fits well with a mixed bait and is not sticky.
It is especially useful in cold weather when it is difficult to thaw.

Contents: Approximately 1.5kg

Category: ground bait (frozen)

size : -

Target fish: horse mackerel, mackerel, halfbeak, black sea bream, red sea bream, largescale blackfish, etc.  

Main raw materials: Sanriku Akiami shrimp


Can be used immediately after opening

Easy to make makie

Amie shrimp

get acquainted quickly


slice net


Easy-to-use makie

Convenient and ready to use

Off Sanriku