On the beach!At the dock!Bakuhi Master Gray! ! Hata

磯で!波止で!Bakutobi Master Gure!! 秦

11 Mon 2 Sun Thursday

To the rocky shores of Chuki, Wakayama Prefecture
Hirokyu new product “I went out fishing for largescale blackfish bringing Bakutobi Master Gure.

I overslept on the first boat that departed at 5:8 a.m.lol.Arrive at Watiso slowly around XNUMXam.Small horse mackerel are springing up furiously on the offshore shore, and it seems that shark fishermen are having a hard time because yellowtail are exploding after the small horse mackerel, so I stretched out my rod at a local rocky shore as recommended by the boatman. .

The trick for the day was a gray rod size 1.25.
5.02500 series reel in ㍍.
Michito Semisus 1.75, Naka Harris 1.7 3 Hiro, Harris 1.25No. 1 Hiro and a half, needle No. 4-5.
The float uses B~00.
Sprinkle bait with 3 pieces of 2k raw krill.
2 bags of Bakutobi Master Gray.
Close to northern Wakayama Prefecture
Since it is Chinu Iso in the Chuo period, the molds will not be available until the final pick-up at 4 p.m.
We closed with 33 pieces of gray up to 11 cm and lots of Aigo!

Also in late October,To the dock in northern Wakayama Prefecture
For dock fishingBringing Bakutobi Master Gure
This one was also up to 33 cm long.Enjoy plenty of autumn fishingDid!

can be formed offshore
Until now, the bait has not arrived.
I can reach the tide
Bakuhi Master Gray! !
It's the best♪