Kagoshima/Makurazaki cold black sea bream Kamikihara

鹿児島•枕崎の寒チヌ 上木原
In southern Kagoshima, the cold days continue this year.
On December 12th, I went on a cold black sea bream fishing trip, prepared for low activity.

This time, I used one bag of krill, bottom attacking zudon, raw chrysalis black sea bream, and black sea bream for one day.
I prepared raw chinu for tsukee.

Arrived at the point after 7:XNUMX.
First of all, about 50 cups of makie are hit first.
Also, since the water temperature has dropped, I thought that the fish would not be that active, so I didn't cast far, and made a point about 15m from my feet.

Sure enough, no food was taken for the first two hours.
If you try to put a device on the embankment, you will find pufferfish, aracab and some kind of fish.

I take a tana and search for it, but I can't quite get it.

Almost all layers are in a state of being hit, but still continue to put makie.
Wait two minutes, invite a little, wait again...
I continued to do this work over and over again, but at around 10:30, when I was starting to feel like it would be tough today, the moment the line suddenly lifted, I started running.
A 40 cm long black sea bream was carefully exchanged and entered the tamo.
As expected, there are.
Perhaps it was the switch-on time around here, and the activity suddenly increased, and I was able to catch fish constantly until the afternoon.
On this day, when I added the black sea bream, which was slightly short of the maximum 50cm, around 13:XNUMX, the bite stopped, so I paid the rod here.

1 years went by so fast this year.
The cold days are still continuing, but please take care of yourself and have a happy new year.