Spring Chinu Uekihara

春チヌ 上木原
Finally, Kagoshima has passed through spring, and during the daytime, I feel the heat is reminiscent of summer.

Ibusuki in Kagoshima • I went to the Imaizumi fishing port.

Since the water depth is not so deep here, we prepared a chinu smoke screen to dilute the alertness of Chinu with "Bottom Attack Zudon" as the base food.
This blend is recommended for places where the water depth is not very high.

The rod was put out from 7 o'clock, and first of all, a little over 20 cm of copper was in a row.
Fugu and Koppa continued to catch for a while, but suddenly at around 10 o'clock, Koppa Gure's Atari stopped and "? ] When I think about it, the full-thickness fishing method Aruaru's crackling and rod-pulling Atari!
The one that came up was a 50 cm hedai w
From here, the fish changed, and I caught chariko, red sea bream, and red sea bream, and finally after 11 o'clock, my favorite 49.5 cm chinuget! ︎
The rod continued to bend without getting tired until 14:XNUMX on the rod.

It's a victory of the choice of fish collecting agent that matches the points.

Keep your fishing spot clean and take your trash home with you.
Try to wear a life jacket even when fishing on the shore.